Stonegate Pub Company has joined forces with Blue Square online bookmakers to offer its customers useful insight into the race card throughout Cheltenham Festival.
Channel 4’s racing pundit Tom Lee and Blue Square’s Alan Alger will be previewing each day’s card at 10.30am in Stonegate’s pub, The Spectre, on Cheltenham’s High Street.
From Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th March The Spectre will open its doors from 9.00am with Blue Square hosting free breakfast previews which include complimentary bacon sandwiches and tea and coffee from 10.30am.
The previews are scheduled to last for roughly half an hour and provide the perfect way for punters to get an early steer on the runners and riders before making their way up to the course.
Richard Jaques, Blue Square PR and Sponsorship Manager, said: “If people are staying in Cheltenham, they normally have plenty of time on their hands before going racing. We thought punters would enjoy coming along to listen to Tom Lee’s views on the races, as well as hearing where all the money’s been going. We’re providing free bacon sandwiches to soak up the previous night’s excesses and it’s open to everyone, so make sure you come down to The Spectre.”
Simon Lucas, Marketing Manager for Stonegate Pub Company said, “Festival week is a huge week for all pubs in Cheltenham but we wanted to offer our customers something a bit extra and unique. For any racegoers, the chance to get some really useful insight from Tom and Alan could be the difference between a successful day at the races or not! We’re delighted to welcome Blue Square to The Spectre and look forward to a busy and enjoyable Cheltenham Festival week.”