The Castell-Nedd Arms, a popular community pub in Neath recently welcomed local MP Christina Rees.

The MP for Neath visited the local pub to see its new look after its six-figure investment by Stonegate Group. Operator, Kayleigh Strinati and the pub team were on hand to welcome Ms Rees and tell her about all the changes that have been made. Kayleigh said: “It was really nice to welcome Christina to the pub and show her around. Christina, like all of our guests, complimented its look and noted the amount of work that has been done since she last visited the pub.”

As well as the Castell-Nedd Arms’ investment, Kayleigh was able to talk to Christina about a range of different topics including their events and community involvement. The pub hosts regular events for everyone in the local area, which are great fun and add to a good night out. Some of the Castell-Nedd Arms’ events include live music nights, live sports, karaoke and race days. As well as supplying events for the local community, Kayleigh and the team do lots to support those in Neath, and are looking a ways in which they can contribute further to the community in the future.

Kayleigh added: “Our customers mean so much to us and they support us so much we want to be able to do the same for them. The events we put on at the pub are always really fun and everyone has a good time with each other and friends and family. The Neath community are at the heart of everything we do, and it is great to be able to support everyone and give back.”

Christina Rees MP said: “I am very thankful for Kayleigh and the team welcoming me to the Castell-Nedd Arms, and for showing and talking to me about their wonderful community pub. The Castell-Nedd Arms is a lovely space for the individuals in Neath and Kayleigh and the team are doing an amazing job.

“I was very interested in finding out about Kayleigh’s career in hospitality and how she became Operator of the pub after working here for many years. I wish Kayleigh and the team all the best with the future of the Castell-Nedd Arms and look forward to the next time I visit.”

With the Christmas celebrations now in full swing at the pub, there are lots for you to get involved in. The pub will be hosting a Christmas Party on Christmas Eve (Saturday 24 December) and a New Years’ Eve Party on Saturday 31 December. Both parties will have music from DJ Ian Rees and will give you the opportunity to celebrate the festive season with friends and family.

To find out more about the Castell-Nedd Arms’ upcoming events, check out their website and Facebook.

The Castell-Nedd Arms, Angel Street, Neath, SA11 1RS


For more information, contact Leisure PR.