Voting open until the 30th April 2023:


Hosted by Popworld, Milton Keynes, Inter-Actions’ Groovy Gecko project has been nominated for the ASDA foundation’s Green Token Giving. The Groovy Gecko is an inclusive nightclub event created for and run by adults with additional needs.

Each year the Asda Foundation invests £1 million through its Green Token Giving award scheme into community groups, social enterprises and small charities.

Online voting is now open until midnight on 30th April 2023. The cause with the most online votes will receive a £500 donation, with second place receiving £400 and third place £300.

Tom Miell, General Manager at Popworld in Milton Keynes, said: “We have had some fantastic feedback from members who have taken part in this event over the years and have seen the benefits that Groovy Gecko has had on individuals. The important thing we need to focus on now is improving inclusivity and accessibility across all aspects of daily life.”

Tom continued, “there is a lot to do in Milton Keynes, but for many people with additional needs, it can be tough to access all of the fun on offer. Groovy Gecko is a night that gives adults with additional needs the opportunity to enjoy themselves in a safe, accessible environment.”

As well as the Groovy Gecko, Popworld hosts a series of events from ‘What’s In the Box Karaoke’ to ‘2 Pound Tuesdays’ and ‘The Popworld Circus’, which they bring a 90’s flair to. To keep up to date with Popworld and their future events and activities, as well as their social causes and projects, check out their website:

If you would like to vote, head to select Milton Keynes from the drop-down selection. It’s straightforward so you can show your support by voting for the Groovy Gecko project once every seven days.

Popworld, 499 Lower Twelfth St, Milton Keynes MK9 3PY


For more information, contact Leisure PR.