The MP for Aberconwy, Robin Millar recently paid a visit to two local pubs in his constituency that have undergone investments this year.

Mr Millar started his visit off at the Cross Keys, part of the award-winning Craft Union Pub Company. Operator, Gareth Davies, and the pub team were on hand to welcome Robin and give him a grand tour of their newly refurbished site, which has gained a new look and feel, both inside and out, as well as a revamped drinks menu and entertainment offering.

Gareth and Robin also had the opportunity to discuss other topics including the history of the pub, Gareth and the team’s community engagement and local news.

Gareth said: “It was a pleasure to host Robin and show him around our wonderful local pub. He was very interested in hearing about all the changes that have been made during the investment, and it was great to tell him about how the pub brings the community in Llandudno together. Through weekly entertainment, live sports and supporting local charities, the local area is a huge part of the Cross Keys. The continued support of locals and regulars encourages us to give back to them as much as we can!”

After Robin’s visit to the Cross Keys, he then stopped by the Carlton, located on Madoc Street. The pub, run by General Manager, Rebecca Gill, also had a significant makeover earlier this year, giving it a refreshed new look.

Rebecca and the team of course showed Robin around and told him more about their revamped food and drinks menu. Rebecca also expressed to Robin about the pub’s work for charities, which he was very enthusiastic about and offered his support in any future fundraising initiatives.

Rebecca commented: “The visit from Robin was really nice, and it was great to tell him how important Llandudno is to us and what we do to support individuals, charities and causes. He was very pleased with everything we are doing and me and the team thoroughly enjoyed showing him around our revitalised venue.”

Robin Millar MP said: “ I had a lovely afternoon visiting these community-driven businesses in Llandudno. Their investments have transformed these venues and enhanced the customer offering. Rebecca, Gareth, and the teams are also doing a great job at maintaining high standards. It is businesses like these local pubs that bring together individuals and it was great to see and hear how different individuals use the space. I thoroughly look forward to the next time I visit the Cross Keys and Carlton and wish both the teams the best of luck for the future.”

To keep up to date with the Cross Keys and the Carlton, check out their websites and Facebook pages.

The Carlton, 119 Mostyn Street, Llandudno, LL30 2PD

The Cross Keys, 26-28 Madoc Street, Llandudno, LL30 2TL


For more information, contact Leisure PR.