The Grey Horse raises over £1,900 for UK charities and causes

The Grey Horse, East Boldon has been carrying out lots of fundraising initiatives over the last few months, raising money and showing support for national and local charities.

The pub hosts weekly quiz nights on Wednesdays, which are fully booked every week. On quiz nights, there is a charity flyer, where the £1 entry fee and donations are made by quiz players which the proceeds go to the allocated charities picked by customers.

Alongside the support from the weekly quiz for the pub’s fundraising initiatives, General Manager, James Milligan has undertaken activities to contribute towards the different charities. One charity the Grey Horse has been raising money for was Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA), where money was raised through the quiz nights and James taking part in a sponsored head shave. The pub sold raffle tickets, and whoever’s number was pulled out got to shave James’s luscious golden locks. James received a lot of support from his customers and team, resulting in £1,500 being raised for the charity.

James said: “I have been overwhelmed by the support I received for my head shave and cannot believe how much we were able to raise. I would like to say a huge thank you to anyone who donated, the money raised is going to a great charity that does lots of work around motor neurone disease and supports those who are living and suffering from this disease.”

As well as fundraising for MNDA, other fundraising activities James, the pub team and customers have been conducting more recently has been to support the East Boldon Scouts Group and the Sunderland Community Soup Kitchen. Using the quiz night charity flyer to collect donations for both causes, James and the team donated £400 to the East Boldon Scouts Group to help toward the building of an outside facilities area. For the Sunderland Community Soup Kitchen, customers in East Boldon, the pub team and James made a cash donation and collected and donated lots of tinned food for a cause that supports those in need in Sunderland.

James added: “We are a very community focused pub, not only offering a welcoming space for individuals in the area to come but being able to give back and do our part in supporting amazing charities and causes. Our customers are very supportive and get involved with all of our charity fundraising, which is so nice, and we are very thankful.

“With the festive season approaching, we will again be supporting the charity Hebburn Helps, like we do each year and will be accepting toy donations. We will be grateful for any donations that are made and cannot wait to drop them off in December. The team and I love doing this each year as we look forward to bringing a smile to those less fortunate this Christmas.”

If you wish to make a donation to the pub’s toy collection, pop in and speak to James or one of the pub team. Also, with the success of their Wednesday night quiz, the Grey Horse will be starting a second weekly quiz on Sundays, which starts on Sunday 27 November. So, gather your team and come down and put your general knowledge to the test, you never know you might even win.

To keep up to date with The Grey Horse and any of their future fundraising activities, as well as their plans for the upcoming festive season, check out their website and Facebook page

The Grey Horse, Front Street, East Boldon, NE36 0SJ


For more information, contact Leisure PR.