South Woodford pub, The George has raised £573 for two local charities supported by Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Muhammed Javed.

The pub on the High Road, hosted a charity quiz and rock ‘n’ roll bingo evening on Tuesday 30th April. Customers packed the pub to take part with all quiz and bingo entry costs, along with donations during the evening contributing to the Mayor’s Appeal. The two charities selected by the Mayor for his Appeal are the Redbridge branch of Mencap and Redbridge Carers Support Service.

“Mayor Javed very kindly came along to support us when we re-launched the pub at the end of last year after a big refurbishment”, said The George’s general manager Stephen O’Halloran. “At the time we got chatting about the local charities he supports and is so passionate about, so we decided then that we would host a night to help these worthy local causes. Our customers have been amazingly generous, coming along and digging in their pockets and we were really delighted to be able to hand over a cheque to The Mayor’s Appeal for £573”, concluded Stephen.