The Rising Sun, a local pub in Kettering, has raised over £18,000 over the past year for multiple local charities through various fundraising efforts. Last Christmas, Dave, the pub operator, raised over £5,000 for the local Skylark Hospital children’s ward through a raffle that featured over £4,000 worth of prizes.

Throughout last year, Dave and the community of Kettering continued their charitable efforts. At Easter, the pub raised £2,450 for the Skylark Ward, and delivered £1,710 worth of Easter eggs and chocolates, and the Skittles team raised £740 through playing charity skittles every Saturday. Additionally, Troop Aid raised £1030 through the sale of badges and football frames, and two 24-hour pool competitions raised £2,170 & £1100, respectively. One local did a sponsored head shave, raising £1150 for Cransley Hospice. The efforts of the pub and its community were not limited to local causes, as they also raised £500 for the Bangsang Hospital in Africa, which has been run by Dave’s cousin for 30 years. In total, an astounding £18,000 worth of charitable donations have been raised in 2022 alone through a combination of cash and in-kind donations.

These charitable endeavours demonstrate The Rising Sun’s commitment to giving back to the community and making a positive impact. “We are incredibly proud of the contributions we’ve been able to make to the community through the efforts of our staff, customers, and local partners,” said Dave, Operator of The Rising Sun. “We will continue to support and give back to the community in any way we can.”

He continued, “As a local pub operator, it is our responsibility to not only provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for our patrons but also give back to the community that has supported us. At The Rising Sun, we believe in the power of coming together to make a positive impact.”



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