Tomorrow [Saturday 23 April] and Sunday 24 April, Jon Perkins, who works for the Stonegate Group, UK’s biggest Pub Company, as a Leadership Trainer, is raising money for the Disaster Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal by completing 5000 kettlebell swings in Yates, Sheffield.
Jon started raising money for the cause in March through a Just Giving page when he started training for this intrepid challenge. Jon’s goal is to perform 5000 kettlebell swings in total across the two days. To date, he has fundraised over £3000.
Jon Perkins, Leadership Trainer at Stonegate Group said: “While watching the devasting news, I wanted to do something to help those in need in Ukraine. The idea for the kettle bell swings came to me while I was doing my regular fitness session.
“I am hoping to raise as much money as possible this weekend, any donation, big or small, is going to make such an impact. This is a cause that is at the forefront of everyone’s mind right now and I want to help in any way I can. I am looking forward to seeing lots of people come to Yates, Sheffield, at the very least, to watch me undertake this massive challenge.”
To find out more about Jon’s actions and fundraisers, follow the links to his Facebook and Instagram accounts:
For more information, contact Leisure PR.