Two of Stonegate Pub Company’s segments; Slug and Lettuce and Bars and Venues, which encompasses Stonegate’s late night businesses including Flares, Reflex and Popworld, has raised over £17,000 for the armed forces charity, Help for Heroes in the last six months.

The fundraising activity by the sites is in addition to the money being raised by Yates’s, another of Stonegate’s segments. Yates’s is donating 50p from every Hero burger sold. Since the launch of the Hero burger, which was introduced onto the menu in May, over £4,580 has been raised.

Toby Smith, Chief Executive of the award-winning Stonegate Pub Company said: “We are very proud of the fundraising activity that our pubs and bars have undertaken. They’ve all put in an incredible amount of energy and resource into raising money for a charity that we are proud to support and we hope to raise even more in the coming months.”

“Charity plays a big role in our pubs and bars and the £21,580 for Help for Heroes is in addition to £42,000 recently raised for Macmillan Cancer by twelve employees who cycled around the Isle of Man which was supported by our sites in the North West. “

“We estimate that our pubs and bars raised at least a quarter of a million pounds every year.”