9am, Sunday 13 November 2022


The Phoenix, Tamworth is welcoming everyone in the community into the pub for Remembrance Sunday on Sunday 13 November.


General Manager, Natalie White and the pub team will be decorating the inside of the pub with regimental flags, as well as providing breakfast sandwiches at 9am before the march, for all the veterans taking part. For those not attending the march, you will be able to watch all the event at the pub, on their TVs. Natalie and the team will then be welcoming everyone back into the pub after the march for food, drinks and some great company.


As well as all the plans and decorations for Sunday 13 November, The Phoenix has recently decked out its exterior with flags of the British Army, Air Force and Royal Navy also the ‘Lest We Forget’ flag, for everyone to see as they pass by the pub, showing support for the British Forces.


Natalie said: “After talking to our wonderful customers, the team and I decided we wanted to create a space for the community of Tamworth to come together on Remembrance Sunday, to pay their respects and commemorate the occasion together. Lots of our regular customers are war veterans, so it is great to be able to do something special for them and recognise their amazing work and achievements.


“The team and I are looking forward to everyone coming together to socialise after the march, hear each other’s stories about what Remembrance Sunday means to them, and to reflect on everything the British Forces have done and do for our country. We would love to see as many of you as possible.”


To keep up to date with The Phoenix, and to find out more about what they have going on, check out their website and Facebook page or pop in.




The Phoenix, 32-33 George Street, Tamworth, B79 7LJ


For more information, contact Leisure PR.