As part of the historic “Swan Upping”, The Mayor of Marlow and Town Councillors will join up with the Swan Uppers and stop off at Two Brewers pub in Marlow on Tuesday 18th July, to enjoy light refreshments and nibbles to mark the historic occasion.


The annual “Swan Upping” census dates to the 12th Century, when The Crown claimed ownership of all mute swans. The event sees Mute Swans on the River Thames rounded up, caught, ringed, and then released back into the wild in order to conduct a census and check on their health. The Swan Marker’s iconic five-day journey upriver has been an annual ceremony for hundreds of years, with two clear goals; conservation and education.


Bogdan Diaconu, General Manager at Two Brewers Marlow said “It’s a pleasure to once again host the Mayor, Town Councillors and the Swan Uppers for this historic event. Steeped in tradition, we love how this ceremony brings the local people of Marlow together to celebrate the beautiful wildlife that we have in the area, as we continue to protect this beautiful species of bird.


In July 2009, Queens Elizabeth II, as “Seigneur of the Swans,” attended the Swan Upping ceremony for the first time in her reign. This was the first time that the monarch had personally watched the ceremony in centuries.


For more information on The Two Brewers please visit their website and social media account below –


Two Brewers, St. Peter Street, Marlow, SL7 1NQ




For more information, contact Leisure PR