Corporate Responsibility | Stonegate Group

Corporate Responsibility

Stonegate Group recognise our duty to operate this business in an ethical and responsible manner and remain committed to delivering a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy. We aim to build sustainable businesses with a strategy that will continually evolve dependant on the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

  • Community & Charity
    Stonegate Group | Community and Charity
    Community & Charity

    Pubs are undoubtedly at the heart of their local communities. We encourage pubs from across Stonegate Group, no matter their location, format or operating model, to engage and take an active role within their local community. We are keen to champion charity and always look to support individual pubs raising money for a worthy cause.

    In April 2022 we announced our new Charity Partners, the MND Association (England and Wales) and MND Scotland (Scotland). These charities are working to support people living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and are funding research into finding a cure. To date we have raised £400,000 for the charities through a variety of fundraising efforts by our colleagues, food and drink promotions and donations from our guests.

    Previous to this in 2021 our Managed estate raised £315,000 for the British Heart Foundation whilst our Craft Union business have worked closely for a number of years with Only A Pavement Away who work to find employment for the homeless, ex-offenders and vulnerable veterans within the industry.

    You can read about some of the great community initiatives organised by Stonegate sites on our Media page.

    View Latest News
  • Responsible Retailing
    Stonegate Group | Responsible Retailing
    Responsible Retailing

    We recognise our responsibility towards the promotion and management of a responsible drinking environment in all of our pubs. We are committed to ensuring our customers drink in moderation and to helping them understand the key impacts of alcohol.

    We work with the Government and enforcing bodies such as the Police and Local Authorities to actively support responsible drinking and we are committed to the following standards:

    • Not offering “all you can drink promotions”.
    • Not offering liquor-only multi buy deals.
    • Not pricing any alcoholic drink under £1.

    We encourage attendance at Pub Watch meetings and ask for strict adherence to the nationally acknowledged “Challenge 25” scheme, seeking proof of age of anyone appearing to be 25 years or under.

    Stonegate Group are an associate sponsor of Best Bar None, an accreditation scheme supported by the Home Office and other companies in the drink industry to improve standards in the evening and night time economy.

  • Trade Associations
    Stonegate Group | Long Live the Local
    Trade Associations

    We work closely with a number of well-known and recognised trade associations including UKHospitality, the British Beer and Pub Association and the British Institute of Innkeeping.

    Stonegate Group are also an active supporter of Long Live The Local, a campaign organised by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) to lobby those in parliament with an aim to reduce Beer Duty in the UK.

  • Environment
    Stonegate Group | Responsibility - Environment

    We recognise the importance of minimising our impact on the environment wherever possible. Stonegate Group are pleased to be a member of the Zero Carbon Forum and are working cross collaboratively with companies across hospitality, alongside our suppliers, to set industry targets to reduce carbon emissions.

    As a Group we proactively recycle as much as we can. Across our Managed estate 100% is diverted from landfill, with 69% recycled. We are aiming to increase that number to 75% by the end of 2022. The Group continues to fulfil its obligations imposed by Packaging Waste Regulations based on all recyclables sold to publicans and distributed to our managed estate.

    Stonegate partners with Olleco in the recycling of its used cooking oil in the Managed business. Our used oil is refined into a range of products such as industrial oils and renewable fuels. We also continue to work with Publicans by recycling oil with third parties where the used cooking oil is converted into biodiesel.

  • People
    Stonegate Group | Responsibility - People

    We are committed to equal opportunities and the creation of an entirely non-discriminatory working environment. We aim to ensure that all employees are recruited, developed, promoted and remunerated on the basis of their skills and job suitability.

    You can find out more regarding our People agenda by visiting our dedicated Recruitment website.

    View Recruitment Website
  • Gender Pay Reporting
    Stonegate Group | Gender Pay Gap
    Gender Pay Reporting

    At Stonegate, we are committed to both the development of all of our employees and to ensuring that we operate a meritocracy.
    Click the links below to open our Gender Pay Reports.

    2017 – Stonegate | Ei Group
    2018 – Stonegate | Ei Group
    2019 – Stonegate | Ei Group
    2020 – Stonegate Group
    2021 – Stonegate Group
    2022 – Stonegate Group
    2023 – Stonegate Group

    2024 – Stonegate Group

  • Water Supply and Sewerage Licence
    Stonegate Group | Tattershall Castle
    Water Supply and Sewerage Licence

    Stonegate Pub Company Limited manages its water under a Water Supply and Sewerage Licence limited to Self-Supply (Licence numbers 073/2018/WL and 072/2018/SL). The Licence is used to supply eligible sites in England where Stonegate are responsible for water and sewerage services. This excludes Landlord supplied sites.

    A live list of sites served under the Licence will be provided to Ofwat on a quarterly basis.

    For further information regarding the management and operation of the Licence, or for information around the eligible sites being supplied under the Licence, please contact

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